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Reception Busy Bees (I7)- Mrs Pitchford and Mrs Cunningham

Reception Learning Ladybirds(I6)-Mrs Gilbert

Rec/Year 1 Earhart(I5) – Mrs Marsland

Year 1 Thunberg (I4)- Mrs Cooper

Year 1/2 Lowry (I1)-Mrs Byrom

Year 2 Parks (I2)- Ms Ahle

Year 2 Pankhurst (I3)-Mr Nolan

Year 3 Carter (J1)- Mrs Vitkin and Mrs McNutt

Year 3 Asher-Smith (J2)-Miss Evans

Year 4 Boudicca (J3)- Mrs Phelan and Miss Johnston

Year 4 Latimer (J4) –Mrs L Latham

Year 5 Attenbrough (J5)- Mrs Hunter

Year 5 Kahlo (J6)- Mrs Lawson and Mrs Hall

Year 6 Turing (J7) – Mr Fisher

Year 6 Zephaniah (J8)- Mrs Billingsley

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