Postal Address

Urmston Primary School
Wycliffe Road
M41 5AH

Phone & Email

Tel: 0161 748 4362

School Opening Times

Monday to Friday

8:55 am – 3:30 pm.

Doors will be open from 8:45 am for children to go straight into class


School Office Opening Times

Monday to Friday

8:30 am – 4:15 pm.

Office Contacts:

Mrs M Marshall

Mrs G Stock

Mrs M Morrissey

Please Note: If no one is available to answer your call please leave a message on the telephone answering machine and we will respond during office hours.


Headteacher: Mr Simon Parker

Chair of Governing Body: Rev. Stephen Smith, c/o Urmston Primary School (address provided above)

SENDCO: Jane Helyar

If you require a paper copy of any of our documents please call us or email us to request one.

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