Urmston Primary’s school values of resilience, responsibility, respect, happiness, kindness and pride, like our motto of ‘Growing Together. Empowered to Be More’, are engrained into the fabric of school life and weave into every context and every topic that the children learn about. It is vital that the children understand how these values have been embedded through History and see the relevance of them in our modern lives.

We believe that the children need to be given opportunities to deepen their disciplinary knowledge, understanding the role of a Historian, and more factual, substantive knowledge, understanding the use of a timeline and how each topic correlates to one another as they move up the school. Right from Nursery through to Year 6, the children need to begin to develop a good balance of knowledge and skills. Both are weaved through the topics and as the children grow, they gain a deeper understanding of the different types of knowledge and disciplinary skills of being a Historian. Enhancing our children’s awareness of the historical concepts of chronology, cause and consequence, continuity and change, significance, evidence and interpretation, similarity and difference, and diversity and equality, will deepen this understanding, as will the skills of enquiry and communication, which the children are becoming increasingly attune to as our curriculum journey continues.

Our vision is to deeply enthuse children about the past and to help them put the present into perspective through a thematic approach which, whilst being based on the National Curriculum, gives learning relevance. Themes of Power and Leadership, Conflict, War and Invasion, Equality and Diversity, and Religion, Faith and Belief provide this substantive thread, covering social, political, economic, military, cultural and spiritual knowledge. 

Along with a focus on enhancing an awareness of the consequences and legacy of significant historical figures and events, our children have an understanding of their place in our society and the impact that their actions can have on others. This ensures our curriculum develops happy, kind and well-rounded young people.


History Curriculum

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