In November 2023, we were given the status of being a Rights Aware School as part of UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools Awards. Next we’ll be going for gold. It is testament to the staff’s passion to highlight to the children of our school, our responsibilities in looking out for one another and helping our children to see the importance of sticking up for people’s rights – and making them aware of their own! Well done to Ms Ahle for leading this, as no doubt she will be doing on our journey to gold!

In order to achieve the Silver Award, we needed to illustrate as a school community, as staff and as children being part of UPS, that we are aware of the rights of children and are intent upon not only upholding those rights in our setting, but raising awareness of the rights of children across our country and across the world. This will be through how we discuss certain issues with the children and with the intent and implementation of our curriculum.

We are all acutely aware of what is going on in the world at the moment and want to reassert that any conversations that we have about what is going on regarding ‘current affairs’, will be done with the rights of children central to the messages that we give.

We believe that being ‘Rights Aware’ means that we have added responsibility in highlighting the rights that children have and what should be done if they are not being met – we’ll keep you all abreast of this no doubt.

You’ll see a banner at the front of the school just outside the infant garden…and behind some of our school counsellors here!

Many thanks for your continued support in helping us to educate our children to follow not only our school values but those that we should all adhere to as being caring and passionate human beings.

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