Our School day at UPS!


Throughout our school, we officially begin at 8.55am, which is when we register, but the children stream in from 8.45am, with the infants coming in the main gates and the juniors either in the main or junior gates, on Hereford Grove, into the playground. The day ends, for everyone, at 3.30pm, when the teachers take the children outside into the infant or junior playgrounds to see their grown-ups.


This makes up to 32 hours and 55 minutes per week.




We have assemblies throughout the week which concentrate on our school values, ‘Being More’, singing, relevant phase assemblies, and friendship groups, which focus on different elements of school life.


Lunchtimes...are as follows:

EYFS and KS1:12.00-13.30 (including interventions)

KS2: 12.05-13.10


Playtimes...are as follows:


KS1: 10.30-10.45 and 14.30-14.45

KS2: 10.30-10.45 and 14.15-14.30


Our Nursery is split into am and pm sessions...children and parents enter either through the main gate or via the Wycliffe Road entrance.

AM: 8.45-11.45

PM: 12.30-15.30

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